Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I liked how the pianist showed how the Germans really treated the Jewish people living in the ghettos during that time.  Szpilman really fought his way through hell in order to survive this extermination of his people.  The movie made me feel really sorry for the Jewish people even though they did nothing wrong to deserve this torture.  I thought when Szpilman played the piano silently without  touching the keys was a symbol to me that all the Jews had been silenced and could no longer live peacefully.  When the German officer hofenfeld saw Szpilman play the piano he had some appreciation for him playing.  Hofenfeld also realized that the German war machine was failing and that defeat was inevitable.  Hofenfeld offered the only thing that was keeping  Szpilman alive and that was food.  Szpilman would have spared Hofenfeld's life if their roles were reversed.  

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