Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Introduction

Aaron S.

  • Well-rounded
  • I like to be active and play sports.  (Football, Lacrosse).  My goal is to obtain high grades and be the best person that I can be.
  • I like learning more about subjects that tag along a story with it, such as History and English.
  • I dislike math because I find it very boring and repetitive.
  • Favorite teacher would have the qualities of being a attention getter and also have hands-on and interesting teaching styles. 
  • I am very interested in History, specifically dealing with wars and imperialism.  WWII is my favorite topic.
Writing sample:   I believe that my feelings on humanity are not proud nor are not disappointing.  My feelings on humanity lies between the two opinions.  There are times where a certain event changes my feelings on humanity.  For example, the recent typhoon that caused severe devastation in the Philippines resulted in many nations giving help to the people who lost everything.  It made me feel proud that many countries gave aid to the philippines when they are considered a third-world country.  Another example that changed my opinion on humanity was the Sandy-Hook shootings that happened in December of 2012.  There are some extremely insane people in this world that would attempt a mass murder of children.  This tragedy made me feel disappointed in humanity.  There will always be those people that are willing to help others and those willing to hurt others.  That is why my belief in humanity is between proud and disappointing.  Throughout the history of humanity, there have been wars, genocide, and slavery that reflect how the human race is flawed.  However, there has also been great things humans have done.  I find it amazing that humans are able to accomplish the impossible.  People in the 1500s thought it was impossible to fly in the air like a bird.  400 years later the wright brothers invented the first airplane.  Human intelligence is constantly increasing over time.  I'm proud of that fact.  Humanity will continue to progress but there might be a few bumps along the way.  

1 comment:

  1. Although I see where your coming from by saying all of the training the 54th did was kinda pointless just to be defeated, but I look it at a different angle. The bond these men built just from training was huge.
